Dedmon Writer-in-Residence
The Dedmon fund brings a distinguished visitor each year who is engaged in exploration of the interdisciplinary aspects of art—whether that means the use of a variety of artistic genres or the use of genres that incorporate more than one creative practice, such as the documentary film or the graphic novel.
The 2020 Dedmon Writer-in-Residence is Nick Drnaso.
Past Writers-in-Residence
2019 Sarah Koenig
2018 Ted Conover
2017 Sarah Manguso
2016 Jo Ann Beard
2015 David Bellos
2014 D.T. Max
2013 Tom Bissell
2012 Joe Sacco
2011 Esther Allen
2010 Alison Bechdel
2009 Eliot Weinberger
2008 Michael Henry Heim
2007 Richard Bausch